Monday, January 17, 2011

Stir Crazy

So the kids have been off school since Christmas break. Christmas break started 12/22/2010. It is now 01/17/2011. Oh wait. I lied. They went back to school for 2 whole days before the snow hit.  Snowmageddon 2011 around these parts. And let me tell you. The worst part? Having an entire family down with some horrible virus that wiped us out for 2 weeks at a time and counting... It was bad, but we survived. No, that wasn't the worst part. It was the fact the kids have been cooped up within swatting distance of each other for almost an entire month. Being sick actually helped with the picking. They felt too sick to pick at each other. But BLIMEY! The constant bickering and picking at each other almost drove us all over the edge. We were about to string them up by their toenails.

So as we were winding down the initial Christmas break and getting the kids ready to go back to school, I remind Thing 1 that he has a project due. He looks at me and says "well that's IF I can go back to school, I may still be sick."  Mmmm...hmmm... So instead of an argument, I agree with him, however, suggest to him "why don't you work on it a bit more, break it up, etc. etc."  His response? "I think I may be too sick."  I try to suppress a giggle and cover it with a cough (surely he didn't notice), and before I can say anything he adds "can we go to Chuck E. Cheese's?"  I blinked several times in amazement and said "let me get this are too sick to work on your project but not too sick to go to Chuck E. Cheese's?"  With his impish smile in place, he rolled his eyes and said "uuummmm...yeah."
Nice try dude. Two words...Not. Happening.

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