Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I'd like to introduce you to....

Some of the players I refer to frequently in this blog.

There's my husband, known to some as "El Diablo"

There's Thing 1

There's Thing 2 (in a box no less!)

There's my BFF Tamee and that's me on the right!

Tam's husband Jason, also known as the Spector of Doom! (Okay so I made that up)

My ever faithful Bert. This dude has been through so many moves it's ridiculous. He is 17 years old and as curmudgeonly as he looks!

There is Tiki, known to most as She-Devil. Don't let that adorable face fool you. She is a whole bundle of CRAZY!!

And there's Mickey. The most patient dog on earth. Hey - he lives with Thing 1 and Thing 2 doesn't he?

I love these guys more than my luggage...


  1. I love that almost all of these pictures were taken when we were together. I love you!

  2. Those pictures are so cute. Except for the one of Mark. That one is just plain scary. :) Kidding. He is also adorable.
