Friday, January 21, 2011

Baby It's Cold Outside...

Unfortunately, it started snowing before I left work yesterday. I live 23 miles from work and it took me 2 hours to get home. Reedonkulous! Needless to say, I am usually not in a good mood when I walk in the door due to the commute. My options? Look for another job closer to home. Have I done that? Certainly! But as we all know, this economy is struggling and so are jobs. I am thankful for the job I do have. But I do struggle with being away from my family...the perils of being a working mom.

However, the positives were that my husband made me a cocktail, made dinner, and did the dishes. Awwwwww...he's a good fella. The night ended with (hey no shenanigans will be posted here dirty birds)! As I was saying, it ended with an impromptu ballet night. Thing 2 dressed up in a black leotard and black ballet skirt (is there a name for those?) and she was twirling away. She has never expressed an interest in ballet before! I had purchased a box of clothes from and the ballet outfit came with it!  Of course I had to catch it on camera! Except I am not very good with my camera yet. It's fairly new and reasonably fancy and I love it. I am also technologically challenged. I admit it with no shame. Although my pictures do not even come close to the level of, at some point I hope to be.  She's my mentor. She has no idea who I am, but I sort of started this blog because of her. She's simply divine!

When I left the house this morning, it was 12° outside. Yowch! And guess what? The kids got out of school an hour early yesterday and they are out of school again today! At this point, I'm not sure if they will every finish their education this year. I have also figured out that my car does not like the cold. It acted just like I did getting out of bed this morning. Nooooooo....I don't wannnaaaaaaa. Don't make me! If it wasn't for El Diablo I would have gone with my original plan of going on strike.  He kept smooching me and smooching me and tickling me in the ribs. After 18 years together you think he would have learned - do not mess with me before my coffee. However, even though the man does not drink coffee, cannot stand the scent of coffee, does not understand the appeal of coffee (don't judge) - on his days off guess what he wakes me up with? You guessed it! Smooches and coffee! Isn't that the best? I know. I'm a lucky gal.

So I hope it's warmer where you are at, and I hope you have a fantabulous weekend!

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