Friday, January 28, 2011

The Punks

Okay. I have officially been reprimanded by Consuela Sr. aka my mother. While, like most mothers, she is very positive and supportive of this blog, she has one complaint.

"Please stop calling my grand-babies Things. They are not Things. They are Grammy's babies!" (She said it in THAT MOM tone - you know the one I'm talking about.)

Um...Mom? Have you met them? Have you seen The Cat in the Hat? They destroy the  house as if some magical being takes over their brains. I felt the names were appropriate. Apparently my mother does not agree.

Here is Consuela Sr. with Thing 2 errrr...Baby Punk on her last visit.

So as to be respectful to the elders in my Tribe (it's a good thing she lives 2,000 miles away...), I will stop calling the children Thing 1 and Thing 2.

I shall call them Punks. Because they are pretty punky. And yes I know the little one is 7 years old, but she will always be my baby Punk. So there.

And Big Boy Punk has already told me he is "practically a teenager." Oh goodness...No. You. Di'int. You are 11 years old my boy. Now stop trying to grow up so fast.

On top of Big Boy Punk being 'practically a teenager,' he has taken to fashioning his hair after Anthony DiNozzo from NCIS. Have you seen it? Great show - one of my favorites. Cute guy too! I can't tell you how happy it makes me that for now, he is wanting his hair like DiNozzo as opposed to, say...his Aunt Tam (my BFF):

Aunt Tam
Not that there is anything wrong with his Aunt Tam's hair. She is rockin' the 'hawk. She's a rebel (trust me on this). Unfortunately, the school district where we live would frown upon such doings. Are they squares? Yes. Apparently mohawks are a sign of rebellion and free-thinking. Now we wouldn't want to teach kids to think for themselves would we?

Here's the guy from NCIS:

Anthony DiNozzo on NCIS
And here is Big Boy Punk after his haircut:

Rockin' a faux-hawk
After he got his hair cut, he said " I look like DiNozzo?" We, of course said (in unison), "ABSOLUTELY!" You have to keep their self-esteem up during these practically teenage years. (Chanel's parenting tip #23). So I hold my breath and keep my fingers crossed until the day he wants to fashion himself after say...Marilyn Manson. Not that there is anything wrong with Marilyn Manson. I'm sure he is a very lovely person.

However, don't mess with Big Boy Punk. He is his Grammy's boy. Messin' with him means you would have to go through Baby Punk (she thinks he's a rock star) and me (eek!), but more importantly, his Grammy. Things would get ugly. And really, no one wants to mess with him because...well...he's just so sweet. And loveable. And considerate. And he cooks! I have already had marriage offers for him. So for now, I am cherishing this until the dreaded teenage years hit and he turns into something else.

Until then, we have Baby Punk to contend with. Anyone who has seen her in action knows what a wild child she is.

Pray for us. Please. I'm skeered.


  1. I say...if the shoe fits, wear it! Ain't nothing wrong with callin them Thing 1 & 2. It's meant as a term of endearment! or something along those lines...

  2. I call my Thing 1 and Thing 2. They even have shirts to wear. At least you are not calling them something worse.

  3. Alls i can say is thank the good Lord Big Boy Punk didn't want Bieber-Hair. He looks dashing with the DiNozzo.
