Thursday, January 27, 2011 a point.

I am a California transplant. I am originally from the Atascadero/San Luis Obispo area. San Luis Obispo is also known as the "Happiest City In America" according to Oprah. I would like to say this. Oprah has a big mouth. Anyone who has grown up and/or lived in the area already knows this. We love it and we love it just the way it is. My grandparents own a business there. My cousins and I grew up running the streets of downtown. Namely Higuera. I have grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and friends there. I miss my family and friends. I miss Thursday Farmer's Market. Live music, fresh local food from area farmers and businesses peddling their wares. You get the picture. It's quaint and charming. It's hip and eclectic. And yet you never think "oh if only..." (Well you do think if only these out-of-towners would leave...but that's a whole other post). You have everything you need. It outlawed smoking in public in 1990 (sorry smokers). It grows and stays the same all at once. Yes I know growth and tourism is good for our local businesses and economy. I don't dispute that. But come and enjoy it, treasure it, have a great experience, and even come back for another visit if you wish. But then kindly take your bags and leave.

One thing I will tell you, it's also one of the most expensive places to live. Hence why I do not live there. That and I live in Tennessee because we thought it would be a great place to raise our children after living in Los Angeles for so long.

And for the most part I do agree, Tennessee is a great place to raise kids. I love going to the grocery and running into people I know. Going to a restaurant and the kids see a schoolmate or friend. Every morning they hug their bus driver Mrs. D. We didn't have that lifestyle in Los Angeles. You don't speak to people at the grocery and you rarely run into anyone you know there.

I would move back to San Luis in an instant. The problem is, the kids. They are settled and happy. They have friends here. They have a routine. I love the fact that when we are driving down the hill and see the lights from the next town over, Thing 2 says "oooooh look at the big city lights!" (It's not - it's just the major shopping area one town over).

Seeing as how I went to 3 different elementary schools and 2 different high schools, I know the ramifications of constantly moving kids around. You never feel settled. You never feel as if you really belong anywhere. I didn't want that for my kids.

Do I hope to get back to San Luis Obispo one day. Absolutely. Will it ever happen? Who knows? I can't predict the future. All I know is that no matter if you are living in the town you want to live in or are living somewhere that wouldn't necessarily be your first choice, you have to be happy. No one can make you be happy. It's all up to you.

However, I still think Oprah has a big mouth.­..thought


  1. Ok now *I* want to move to SLO. And you're right, Oprah has a big mouth.

  2. Oprah is my sworn enemy. I tried to run her out of Chicago when i lived there, but her evil is just too strong.
