Monday, January 24, 2011

A Note to Self...

I color my own hair much to the dismay of El Diablo. He would prefer for me to let it go gray. Really?! I would prefer not thank you very much. I don't have time to spend getting my hair colored at a salon, so I finally found a shade range that I have gradually been trying and suits me fine. And when I say fine I mean no one can usually tell when I have colored my hair.  Of course, as it grows out you can see the roots. Well I can see the roots and that's what really matters anyway. I got this brilliant idea to go one last shade darker.  Last night was when I decided I had enough of my mousy brown/gray roots and needed to do something about it.

I retrieved the box of dye out of my bathroom closet (yes, I have a closet in my bathroom - aren't you jealous?) and proceed to apply the color to my head. I always add the ever lovely shower cap due to my own clumsiness and inability to focus so streaks of hair dye do not end up on the walls, carpet or the children. I mean, the dye was already splattered all over the sink and I do try to contain my disasters.

Of course Thing 2 comes in and says "Mommy! What are you doing?" Then proceeds to tell me the time (it was 8:50 pm). So I plop her in the bath, run downstairs to make lunches, make sure Thing 1 has his backpack ready to go for school, get Thing 2 dressed and make sure both are ready and in bed. So before I know it, it's 9:50 pm and I still have my sexy blue shower cap on. The color is only supposed to be on for 25 minutes. You can imagine the frenzied dash to my shower that ensued. After I finish my shower I'm such a chicken that I keep the towel on my head until there is nothing left to do. I unwrap the towel and whoooosh!

It's dark. And when I say dark, I mean black. Yes I understand the box said "Soft Black" but I assumed Soft Black meant "really dark brown." El Diablo came home this morning, took one look at it and said "I told you not to mess with it." Oh dear. Then he proceeds to chuckle, asks my name and to please not tell his wife. Such a jokester.  I got to work and my hair has received rave reviews. I've been called "vixen" and have been asked if I was getting in touch with my Latin roots. Literally roots. Cute people.

So a note to self: Do not attempt to color my hair while doing 15 other things.

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