Wednesday, January 19, 2011


What a day it was yesterday! I don't know if any of you have ever had a day like this. I'm guessing probably most of you can relate.  It's raining here in Tennessee, which means one thing. Traffic. No one seems to be able to drive in it. Do people not realize just take it easy? I was having flashbacks of being in Los Angeles traffic. I almost reverted to my Mario Andretti ways. So of course that means I am late to work. Great.

As I arrive at my place of employment, I pick up my bag only to find that my creamer for my coffee has leaked out of the container, through my lunchbag, through my totebag (thus destroying my magazines and soaking my gloves) and onto the seat of my car. And I don't have leather seats people. Lovely. Thank goodness it isn't the middle of summer.

I managed to get through the usual hustle and bustle at work. Now I get to drive home. People are still stupid and can't drive even though it isn't raining. Now I think they are slowing down to read the interstate signs warning you that a blocked lane has been cleared.  IT'S. BEEN. CLEARED. Um...drivers? Hello?

I get home to find Thing 1 still working on homework.  Which in itself is not surprising. The kid has ADD. One of our many challenges? To get him to focus, not on what Thing 2 is doing, not what the dogs are doing, not what the neighbor a block away is doing - but his homework. Anyone who has ever done homework with Thing 1 will attest - you will want to strangle him. But alas, as I am cooking dinner, he is yelling at Thing 2. Thing 2 replies back something snotty (shocking). Thing 1 yells at Thing 2, dissolves into tears and storms off to take deep breaths.  The reason I know he is taking deep breaths is because he made a point to scream it at me. I look over at Thing 2 and she shrugs her shoulders and says "what'd I do?" Oh Lord help me now.

Finally I managed to get everyone fed in one piece, managed to wrangle Thing 2 into the bath, and sit down to help Thing 1 finish homework. While Thing 2 was in the bath, I managed to clean the carpet in her room.  Remember Tiki? She-Devil Dog from the post yesterday? She likes to relieve herself in the kids bedrooms. Frequently. Mostly because the kids are too engrossed in video games or television to let her out. So since Tiki started relieving herself, Mickey - our usually angelic dog who does no wrong decided he was not be outdone! Yes, you guessed it - he started doing the same thing.  So the kids' rooms smell delightful. And when I say delightful. I mean disgusting.

I finally got everyone settled down and in bed. Oh what time you ask? 10:00 pm. A mere hour and a half later than my intended target time. And where was El Diablo during this time? Oh...he was working. Try not to be jealous.

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