Friday, January 14, 2011

My First Post...

This is my first blog post. And I'm a little nervous. Why? I don't know. I've never done anything like this before. But why am I nervous? It's not like you are sitting here staring at me like I'm a loon. (You will come to that realization soon enough). So the reason I decided to start blogging is that many people close to me have suggested I write down my family shenanigans because apparently when I tell them things that have happened either a) they snicker because it's funny; or b) they snicker because I'm a loon. You can decide for yourself. My hope is that you enjoy reading this blog and maybe even get a laugh or two. If I can help just one person out there (don't you love that line?) realize that there are other families out there just as nutty as their own, then I've done my job. Thanks for reading!


  1. I'm your first cousin, I know I am as nutty as you are! Happy blogging - I love ya!

  2. For the record, i am sitting here staring at you like you are a loon.

  3. Very cool-welcome to the blogosphere!
