Saturday, March 5, 2011

Scheduling is a gift and I don't think it's mine.

As of right now I am still transitioning to my new job. It has consisted of 2 days of orientation, 2 days off, 2 hours of orientation and then an attempt to schedule myself.

First of all, my 2 days off were the same 2 days off that El Diablo had. I thought he would be excited. I am sure he was in his own special way. But he acted more like the 1st grade boy on the playground pulling at my ponytail. Pushing my buttons. And then snickering about it. *sigh*

I should not be trusted with scheduling myself.  It's not entirely my fault. I have always worked a desk job, 9 - 5, Monday - Friday. My new job allows me flexibility and a freedom I have never experienced before. Not that it won't be hard work, because it will. I'll be working my butt off (fingers crossed) and learning a lot! However, when I asked the scheduler what I do about the weekend we are planning our family camping trip, she says "just don't schedule yourself for those days."

*chirp* *chirp*

I don't understand. I mean, 'don't I have to ask for the time off?' "Nope," she says and smiles. "Isn't that nice?"

"I don't get it." I say and she laughs.

The pitfall to that is if I don't work I don't get paid. Nothing is ever perfect. But that's okay. I went ahead and scheduled myself figuring I would work the days El Diablo had off. Then I scheduled myself for a couple of day shifts because I wanted to orient on days in addition to nights. Day and night shifts in a hospital are two different animals. So I had to be careful because while I want to work as much as I can, I had scheduled myself for 3 night shifts and then a day shift immediately following. Um. Think. Chanel. Think. If you work 7p - 7a and schedule yourself for the next day from 7a - 7p you will be working for 24 hours.

Look, you can't say I didn't warn you.

I got home with my schedule (which El Diablo stated I could not come home without) and he starts looking over the mess I made. El Diablo gently reminds me that if I schedule myself on all his days off, we will never see each other. Oh. Right.

And if I schedule myself to work the day shift on the same days he is working nights, my punks will be left alone - not the purpose of the flex scheduling in my eyes. Let's just say thank goodness El Diablo was an Army man. Scheduling is his forte. Mine not so much. But that is how we balance each other out. He helped me with the planning of my schedule and El Diablo suggested to leave the schedule as is for the next 2 weeks and see how it goes.

*chirp* *chirp*

Um. Be flexible? Go with the flow? This does not compute. I'm used to a set schedule by gum!

And anytime I get distressed about the lack of my 'set' schedule, I will remember the way my punks get off the bus in the afternoon and see me standing at the front door. They wave and scream "MOMMY! You're home!" as they race wildly to get to me. And I will remember Baby Punk as she wraps her arms around me and says "I'm SO glad you're home!"

My heart melts. Enough said.